The Choral Santa Lucia is a 27 strong male voice choir directed and conducted by young director, Juanlu Diaz-Emparanza. The choir was started by a group of workers in Llodio and is well founded in a rich choral tradition of the Basque Country. We are still an armature choir with no further aims but to share the wealth of our culture with those who want to listen. However, our repertoire is made up of more than simply popular Basque songs, but includes traditional works, Religious pieces, International songs, Havana’s, Georgian works and much more.
Our diary of events takes trough over twenty concerts over a given year. Locations vary from local venues within the Basque Country and concerts within Spain, such as Galicia, Madrid, Barcelona, Castellón, La Rioja, Andalucía, Castilla-León, Castilla-La Mancha, Cantabria, to international venues across many continents.
The underlying objectives for the choir has always been to share our musical heritage and culture, and with this in mind we conceived and organised the first “I Festival Infantil de la Canción”, (“Infant song festival”) in participating choir from outside Vizcaya.
Realising the importance of educating the younger generation in our musical and cultural heritage, we established and “Escolanía de Voces Blancas” (School of Voices) in 1985. This provided the children of the surrounding area of Llodio the opportunity to enrich their childhoo trough musical traditions.