2005 Catalonia. This section has to a large extend omitted to mention many of our concerts and trips within Spain, but the one which deserves a special mention took place between the 9th and 16th of July, 2005 in Catalonia. Throughout the tour we took part in the “1st Trovada Internacional of Cors d’Homes”, ornanized by Feceració de Cors of Clavé. In this contest many other pestigious choirs took part, from Wales, Serbia, Slovakia, the United States and Czech Republic. We performed in many locations such as Icy, Castellar del Vallés and Tárrega, although the most important concerts took place in Monserrat’s Monastery and the Palau of the Music of Barcelona. In the first one of them, we performed in the Biggets Altar, being provided between the public with the Monsignor’s presence Pablo Colino, Theater of Chapel of the Vatican, who congratuled us on the quality of the offered workds.
The concert in the Palau of the Music of Barcelona is dedicated to those that we like to offer and to remind to all the corals. We were the last choir to perform, and can say that we received the most warm applauses of the public, which were almost 2000. Undoubtedly that this performance will happen to be a future reference in ours coral for the musical quality and of interpretation of the concert.
Did you know that, after performing before 2.000 people, the following weekend we offered a concert in Ondátegui (Álava), to which two persons attended! This is one of the our traits, that we are capable of performing a magnificent concert before 2.000 persons and the most worth performance before only two!