2005 – Hungary: Pècs

10º European Wine Song Festiva (Pècs – Hungría).


In 2005 we took part at the 10th European Wine Song Festival (Pécs – Hungary). It is a festival in which only take part male choral voices, and whose works must focus on the musical world of wine, since it is a celebration of the harvest. We had to look deep into our music file to locate works that fit this theme!

The Festival has been very interesting, and it has allowed us to come into contact with such chorals as Boghese and Ammentos (Ittiri, Italy), tune Male Choir (Wroclaw, Poland), Foutzik Ensemble (Gannat, France), Male Choir Lahti (Lahti, Finland) and with various choirs in Hungary.

His character has allowed us to act in such disparate venues as theaters, public parks, beaches, take part in public parades…

Like the trip to Catalonia this year, we engaged Maitane Zaballa, dantzari (dancer) of high artistic quality and who can almost say, is now part of the collective Coral Saint Lucia.

Did you know that when we act in the spa Harkány a woman gave him a feeling of fainting and we had to stop the concert to attend her? And that during the performance in the Theater of Pécs, the conductor leading the work to all the choirs fell down from the dais on which was uploaded? Viewers didn’t notice this fact because it was located in the orchestra pit. Anyway, these are things that can happen. Fortunately, all involved have recovered without any problem.

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